The higher the difficulty, the more damage they deal, up to 19 attack damage in hard difficulty. Piglin brutes are variants of piglins that are unique to bastion remnants and are capable of dealing massive amounts of damage in a single hit thanks to their Golden Axe. This makes bastion remnants one of the few places in the nether where the Flame and Fire Aspect enchantments can prove beneficial. Unlike most nether mobs, piglins, hoglins, and piglin brutes are not immune to fire damage. Obtain Nether Wart (if not obtained already) (only applies to Housing).Convert the bastion to a bartering hall or magma cube farm.Get the Pigstep music disc and snout banner pattern.Defeat as many piglin brutes as possible.Also, since some netherite items reside in loot chests, also aim for getting lodestone, ancient debris, netherite scrap, and netherite ingots from the chests.Get as many gold blocks and gilded blackstone as you can.Ender pearls can be a multipurposed tool, used for either escaping or repositioning.Enchanted golden apples are optional, they're rare but can be a lifesaver.It's still better to bring some additional potions as they last longer. Not only can totems save your life but when you fall in lava it now gives Fire Resistance so you can hide in lava for a little while. A respawn anchor and glowstone, to respawn in the Nether (optional).Pistons and levers, buttons or redstone torches to move gilded blackstone from under chests so you can put hoppers there to get the items (optional).Blocks of Iron and carved pumpkins for Iron Golems (optional).

Bring some logs and/or planks to craft boats, which will be very useful against piglin brutes and melee piglins (see the Mobs section below on how to use them).Golden apples (optional) can heal the player quickly. (such as steak, golden carrot, and cooked porkchops). Food with high-enough saturation and hunger restoration.Piglin brutes can use their axes to disable shields, but due to their high damage per hit, blocking even a single hit can be the difference between life and death. At least one shield, as they can prevent taking damage.