This monster appears in the artworks of:.This card is the only evolved "Number" to have any "Number S" forms." Number S39: Utopia the Lightning" (with " Rank-Up-Magic Shining Force")." Number S39: Utopia Prime" (without a "Rank-Up-Magic" card)." Number S" forms via Shining Xyz Evolution.This card is the only evolved "Number" to have more than 1 "Number C" form." Number C39: Utopia Ray Victory" (with " Rank-Up-Magic Numeron Force")." Number C39: Utopia Ray V" (with " Rank-Up-Magic Limited Barian's Force")." Number C39: Utopia Ray" (without a " Rank-Up-Magic" card)." Number C" forms via Chaos Xyz Evolution." Number 39: Utopia Roots" (a Rank-Down form with " Rank-Down-Magic Numeron Fall")." Number 39: Utopia Beyond" (a Rank-Up form with " Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force").Evolved " Number 39" forms via Xyz Evolution.Yuma's signature card is similar to Yusei's "Stardust Dragon" in that both monsters have the most evolutionsand counterparts of their archetype (specifically, " Signer Dragons" and " Numbers").The second is " Gachi Gachi Gantetsu" and the third is " Grenosaurus". This card is one of the first three Xyz Monsters to be released.The artwork book of Kazuki Takahashi released on December 2011 revealed that this card originally had the number "3" instead of "39", as the artwork shows "03" on Utopia's shoulder.When this monster negates its own attack, its swords disappear. When this monster uses its effect to negate an attack, its wings form a shield that blocks the attack.This card also has the same ATK of 2500 as the signature cards of other manga main protagonists, which are Yugi Muto's " Dark Magician", Jaden Yuki's " Elemental HERO Terra Firma", Yusei Fudo's " Stardust Spark Dragon", Yuya Sakaki's " Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon".This card is also used in the ZEXAL Manga by Yuma Tsukumo and Astral but has different evolution (" Chaos Xyz Evolution" in Anime and " Shining Xyz Evolution in the manga).

This card has the same ATK of 2500 as the signature cards of other main protagonists, which are Yugi Muto's " Dark Magician", Jaden Yuki's " Elemental HERO Neos", Yusei Fudo's " Stardust Dragon", Yuya Sakaki's " Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon" and Yusaku Fujiki's " Firewall Dragon".As an Xyz Monster, it is the first signature card of a main protagonist to not possess a Level.This monster is the signature card of both Yuma Tsukumo and Astral.When this card is targeted for an attack, while it has no Xyz Materials: Destroy this card. When any player's monster declares an attack: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card negate the attack.